In the same establishment, and in the same night, I was approached by two old acquaintances. The first said with such disdain and annoyance, "What are all of those stupid mass messages you keep sending me?" -- "Well did you open them?" -- "No." -- "You really should have. They might not have been so stupid then." The second person, whom I had only seen once in passing in the last 5 or 6 years said, "I want you to know that I read and watch everything you send out. It has affected my life so much. I love it. What else are you working on?" I was initially taken aback by the person I have such minimal contact with. She is a representation of all of those I never see or hear from; the people I never have a clue are interested, care, or even have such an impact on. As I told her about the book I am currently writing about my mother's life, there were the most sincere tears streaming down her cheeks that were reassuring, encouraging, and endearing.
I knew I would encounter both of these people; those who love and hate what I am doing, but I write and engage life in the manner that I do because it is my specific path, and that path is right. I know that I have found my purpose, and nothing else matters except pursuing that purpose because this is when you are the most useful to the world, and to others around you (even to those who don't understand or are tired of the "stupid" mass messages now).
In my day to day, I have been surrounded by folks, young and old, who approach morbidity in two ways; either in complete acceptance, or in fear of passing, what their legacy will be, and how others might write their eulogies without knowing what they may say. I am part of the first group and feel that when I'm gone, if people don't write the things I want to be recognized, then I will not have lived life adequately enough to reflect my real purpose, and that will be no ones fault but mine. I say: discover your purpose, pursue it passionately, forget how you think others might perceive you, and the rest of your steps will be guided to help you achieve the legacy you always dreamed of that is clearly written by the purity of your own actions. Those can't be misread by anyone.
As for me, I will carry on...