Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Loyalty of a Good Morning's Teeth

Steam is thinning on an opening medicine cabinet,
An ironic name for the mirror reflecting the cavity
Of something that has relatively few remedies.

The contents include deodorants, gifted colognes of
Now illicit scents, and a secondary tooth brush promoted to
Primary by the many nights she use to refuse to sleep alone.

Modest coloration and bristles once cleansed and tickled
The protective layers of the core strength of her teeth;
The integrity of enamel that did not withstand these stains.

It remained loyally shelved patiently awaiting her return;
Longing days and weeks turned months collecting dust
Anticipating fresh beginnings of a new morning's breath.

Where the handle once held forgotten hope, paste, and plaque;
Today it is perceived with decayed denture attachment, used to
Clean my sink, and politely tossed in the waste-d basket.